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new issue of overseas paper money in 2004saeson one(picture)
發(fā)布日期:2004-12-5 12:05:00  作者:本站記者  新聞來源:   新聞點擊:

the following banknotes is the newest issued in 2004 of world banknotes

canada 20 dollars 2004

[upload=jpg]UploadFile/2004-12/2004125114519680.jpg[/upload] Mozambique 500,000 Meticais 16.6.2003

Mozambique 200,000 Meticais 16.6.2003

Gibraltar 20 Pounds 4.8.2004 300 year / Tercentenary of Gibraltar

Kyrgyzstan 200 Tenge 2004

Morocco 100 Dirhams 2002

Brunei 50 Ringgit 15.7.2004 plastic

Brunei 100 Ringgit 15.7.2004 plastic

Scotland 5 Pounds 14.5.2004 Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews 250 yrs

also hongkong also issued the newest issue 2004 so many picture is so big i cannot uplord. sorry for that.


haiti also has the newest issue



 上一篇:[求助]第二版人民幣 下一篇:2004 newest issue banknotes season two(picture)



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